The Fort Devens Museum is made of memories.
We are always collecting stories, memories, and photographs from those who lived trained and worked here.
Carolyn Nalley
2nd Lieutenant, Army Nurse Corps
Carolyn Nalley, from Portland, Maine, enrolled in the Massachusetts General Hospital nursing program in 1942. After graduating, Carolyn joined the Army Nurse Corps as a 2nd Lieutenant. She completed her six week nurses basic training at Fort Devens in June of 1945. At Fort Devens, Carolyn took care of both American soldiers and German Prisoners of War. One German prisoner gave her a cigarette lighter as a thank you gift for caring for him in the hospital. Another taught her how to count to ten in German which she always remembered and taught to her children as well. |
Tony Tiffin
Tony Tiffin lived on Fort Devens from 1958 to 1960 while his father was stationed here as Provost Marshal. The family lived in a house on Spruce Street and Tony remembers seeing soldiers moving silently through the neighboring woods as part of jungle training. On July 3, 1960, Tony was awarded a new bicycle as a prize for catching the most fish in his age group at a fishing derby held at Mirror Lake. |
Robert M. Delia
Command Sergeant Major, Fort Devens
Delia was the Post Command Sergeant Major of Fort Devens from 1973 to 1978. Delia served three different tours at Fort Devens during his army career. He is a decorated Veteran from both the Korean and Vietnam Wars, serving in the Regular Army for 30 years. His main responsibility was to advise the Commander “what was right for the troops and the family members.” |
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